Levels of Education in Liechtenstein

The Liechtenstein education system is managed and controlled by the Liechtenstein government and the Department of Education. The Liechtenstein government and the education department also provide the financial support for education within the country and abroad; set the curricula, and additionally takes care of the accreditation of all educational institutions within the nation's borders.The Liechtenstein education encompasses primary, secondary-lower & upper, and higher education.


The kindergarten in Liechtenstein is optional. They lay groundwork for learning in further grades and introduces children to a school setting.
  • Age: 4-6
  • Duration: 2 years

Compulsory Education

Education in Liechtenstein is compulsory for all children aged 6 to 15.

Primary Education

Children enter primary school in Liechtenstein at the age of 6 and remain there for 5 years. At primary school, children get a fundamental grounding in academic subjects and at the conclusion of the primary school studies, they receive a grade 5 certificate.
  • School Type: Primarschule
  • Grade: 1 to 5
  • Ages: 6-11
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Certificate awarded: 5th grade certificate

Lower Secondary Education

Lower secondary education in Liechtenstein is provided by three kinds of schools:

Realschule: This level of education is of 4 years duration and provides practical skills

Oberschule: This level of education is of 4 years duration 
  • School Type: Oberschule; Realschule
  • Grade: 6 to 10
  • Ages: 11-15
  • Duration: 4 years
  • Certificate awarded: Leaving Certificate Oberschule, Leaving Certificate Realschule
Gymnasium: This level of education lasts for 3 years. Students at this level are required to attend an additional year in one of the other schools or in the upper level of Gymnasium. 
  • Grade: 6 to 9
  • Ages: 11-14
  • Duration: 3 years

Upper Secondary Education

Upper secondary education in Liechtenstein is offered by the Freiwilliges 10. Schuljahr, the Gymnasium and the Berufsmittelschule.

Voluntary Tenth School

The voluntary 10th school prepares students for their future careers. Along with the core subjects, three different choices are offered to the students:
  • Languages 
  • Information technology and design 
  • School and social learning
After passing a final examination, pupils receive a school-leaving certificate. 
  • Grade: 10
  • Age: 16-17
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Certificate awarded: School-leaving certificate

Gymnasium-Upper Level

The path to higher education studies lies through gymnasiums. Pupils in the age group 15-18 may go for this educational level. At this level, students can select between 5 different programmes as per their specialization before appearing for the matura examination. 
  • Duration: 4 years
The Gymnasium provides 5 different choices:
  • Languages including Latin
  • Modern languages including a third and fourth living language 
  • Art, music and pedagogy 
  • Business and law 
  • Maths and natural sciences
At the end of the Gymnasium Oberstufe, pupils sit for the Matura examination-the final school leaving examination, which permits them to enter higher education institutions in both Switzerland and Austria and the University of Tubingen in Germany. 

Vocational- Berufsmittelschule

At the Berufsmittelschule, pupils advance their knowledge and skills that they gained during their vocational training. 
  • School type providing this education: Berufsmittelschule
  • Ages: 19-21
  • Duration: 2 years
Students can select an area of study from the following 4 choices based on their interests and vocational aims :
  • Design 
  • Information and communication technologies 
  • Engineering 
  • Business
Certificate awarded: The berufsmaturiatsprufung certificate is awarded after the completion of the programme that entitles the students to likewise study further in higher education institutions in Liechtenstein or in neighbouring countries universities.

Tertiary Education

Liechtenstein has limited higher education studies. Liechtenstein possesses three higher education institutions and also has a few private universities. The higher education system is managed by the government. The higher education institutions in Liechtenstein are public or private. The higher education institutions in Liechtenstein prepare pupils for vocation which require scientific and practical knowledge. 
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