K-12 System of Education
The K-12 System of Education is used worldwide to educate children starting from age of 5 or 6 years . K-12 means 12 years of education i.e. Class 1 to Class 12.
Generally Class 1 to 5 constitutes Primary School Education; Class 6 to 8 makes for Junior School Education. Class 9 and 10 makes for High School Education. And, Class 11 and 12 covers Senior High School Education.
Depending on your area of residence there might come some variations. For example in some countries 13 year of education is still in place which is equivalent to K-12 of other countries.
K-12 education is considered as end of school level education, and from here a candidate can chose whether he / she want to study in a vocational school for a diploma or go for Degree College or technical higher education for example engineering or may be mathematics.
The completion of K-12 level of education opens vistas to apply for a job or chose to go for higher education.
To know in details about K-12 Level of Education please select your country site from the list given below: