Social and Community Service Managers Career
Society needs attention and awareness towards different developments taking place around it. These developments could be due to social, economic, ecological or governmental or may be due to some other factors. These developments could be completely natural or man-made; may be meaning for the society or may be not or at times may be harmful. Society needs to stay aware. Merely TV advertising does not help in social awareness.
Experts are required to manage social causes. These people work as social worker in broader context. Job roles may differ. A person who manages work of social workers is supposed as someone to be called as Social and Community Service Manager. The job portfolio is often found with Government organizations, social service organizations etc. However, large corporate also appoints social service managers to look after the community benefits.
If you want to work in community services with keen interest in socially helping the community then consider becoming social and community services mangers after gaining work experience. These managers should have a strong desire to help others, effective communication skills, a sense of responsibility, and the ability to manage time effectively. Many human services jobs involve direct contact with people who are vulnerable to exploitation or mistreatment; so patience and understanding are also highly valued characteristics.
Role of Social and Community Service Managers
- Plan, organize, or coordinate the activities of a social service program or community outreach organization.
- Oversee the program or organization's budget and policies.
- Directing social workers, counselors, or probation officers.
- Create methods to gather information, such as statistics, about the impact of their programs.
- Supervise staff, such as social workers, who provide services to clients.
- Analyze data to determine the effectiveness of programs.
- Suggest and carry out improvements to programs and services.
- Develop and manage budgets for programs and organizations
Skills of Social and Community Service Managers
- Analytical Skills: Managers need to understand and evaluate data and information from a variety of sources.
- Creative Thinker: Developing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions.
- Persistence: Job requires persistence in the face of obstacles.
- Attention to Detail: Job requires being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks.
- Leadership: Social and community service managers must motivate and should have a willingness to lead, take charge, and offer opinions and direction.
- Independence: Job requires developing one's own ways of doing things, guiding oneself with little or no supervision, and depending on self to get things done.
- Communication Skills: Working with the community and employees requires effective communication. Managers need to be able to speak and write clearly so others understand them. Public speaking experience is also helpful.
- Managerial Skills: Social and community service managers spend much of their time administering budgets and dealing with personnel issues.
Some Job Titles:
Program Director, Social Services Director, Program Manager, Vocational Rehabilitation Administrator, Adoption Services Manager, Children's Service Supervisor, Clinical Services Director, Community Services Block Grant/Outreach Social Worker (CSBG/Outreach Social Worker), Director of Child Welfare Services, Director of Social Services
Where to study
You can chose to study a bachelor's or master's programme in social work and related discipline after twelve years of school education. Research programmes are also offered worldwide. Education in social services related programmes is offered worldwide through colleges, universities and institutes of higher education. Research work is encouraged. Also many scholarships are offered to study courses at different levels. Diploma programmes and certificate courses are also offered. To find a suitable course go to
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