Barbados Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries

In Barbados, scholarships and awards of excellence are given to the students based on the performance in the annual advanced level G.C.E, Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), and associate degree examinations.

The following persons are eligible for the Barbados scholarships, awards of excellence and exhibition:-
  • Nationals of Barbados
  • Children of citizens of Barbados
  • Children of individuals who are settled in Barbados and who have been residents in Barbados for at least 7 years  
Areas of Study:
The Barbados Scholarships or Exhibitions is given in the following areas:
  • Science and technology 
  • Language studies
  • Modern studies
  • Mathematics


Bursaries are awarded to students who demonstrate financial need and have been offered a full-time place to study at the University of the West Indies. Bursaries are awarded on an annual and are generally available between July and August of each year.

The following persons are eligible to apply:
  • Nationals of Barbados
  • Children of citizens of Barbados
  • Children of individuals who are settled in Barbados and who have been residents in Barbados for at least 7 years  

National Development Scholarship

National development scholarships are awarded to candidates pursuing study programmes that are considered critical for national development. These scholarships are awarded in order to give training in areas that are of great importance in socio-economic development of the country. 

Eligibility Criteria- 
Candidates must be:
  • Citizens of Barbados 
  • Between ages 18 and 40
Also, they must be accepted at an overseas higher education institution in order to carry out their studies in a particular course.

Scholarship dates: Offered in May each year

Selection ways and means: Candidates are selected for these scholarships through a process of interviews conducted by the National Scholarship Committee headed by the Deputy Chief Education Officer with members taken from different institutions within the country.

No. of scholarships offered: Each year about 10 scholarships in different disciplines are offered to the candidates based on the training needs of the public and private sectors of the country. 

Post-graduate Scholarships

Postgraduate scholarships, such as Commonwealth Scholarships are provided to Barbados once every year by the UK and Canada between August and September, and by New Zealand between March and April.

Eligibility: Candidates must hold an upper second class honours degree in order to be eligible for the United Kingdom and Canada awards and at least a Lower second class honours degree in order to be eligible for New Zealand awards.

Scholarship benefits: These scholarships are completely sponsored by the awarding countries and cover living expenses, tuition fees, books, accommodation and airfare.

Selection way: Candidates are selected for the scholarships by the National Scholarship Committee on the basis of their academic accomplishments, community involvement and relevance of the course.

Student Revolving Loan Fund (SRLF)

The Student Revolving Loan Fund was set up under the Student Revolving Loan Fund Act, 1976-20 and has taken the place of the Higher Education Loan Fund. The Student Revolving Loan Fund (SRLF) provides student loans to Barbadians. Whether the student has a Barbados Scholarship or any of the others, the Student Revolving Fund provides additional funds to meet the financial needs of the students.

Categories and Areas for Financing

The loans are offered for:

Graduate and Undergraduate studies

Areas: Business, professional and technological programmes, such as computer technology, medicine, accounting, etc.; locally, regionally and extra regionally.  

Post Secondary and Technical Education

Areas: Developmental programmes of the Barbados Community College (BCC) and other post secondary and technical institutions that located in the country and internationally  in the field of commerce, computer studies, health sciences, etc.

Vocational Education
Loans are offered for full-time study programmes offered at the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic (SJPP)

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must be:
  • Citizen of Barbados
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Registered or admitted in an accredited programme provided by an accredited educational institution. Candidates who are waiting for an official acceptance from the educational institution are also eligible
  • Pursuing or intend to go for a full-time course of study approved by the Committee
  • In the range of the gross family income limit specified in the Student Revolving Loan Fund Regulations
Maximum Annual Gross Family Income of persons in order to apply for Loans is-

Family Income Limit
  • Dependent on parental support $90, 000
  • Non-dependent/Individuals $40, 000

Loan Amount

The upper limit of the loan amount is BDS$100,000. Lesser amount is also given to some of the institutions and for particular programmes. The loan amount is decided by the expenses expected to be incurred while pursuing a specific study programme or training.

Loan Benefits

It includes registration costs, tuition fees, thesis fee, books, laboratory fee, security deposits and approved transportation to and fro at the most reasonable costs; and living costs related to studies/training.

Loan Repayment

The loan must be paid back by the student within the repayment portion of time of 5 to 12 years, depending on the loan size.

Applying Ways and Means

Students must fill out the application forms that can be taken from the office of the Student Revolving Loan Fund.  

To know more about the SRLF repayment conditions and applying process, visit the website of SRLF Or you can also email your queries to [email protected]

Scholarships by Higher Education Institutions in Barbados

Financial assistance is provided to the Barbadians and CARICOM (Caribbean community) citizens who wish to study at the Barbados Community College (BCC), University of the West Indies (UWI), or the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic (SJPP).

The University of the West Indies offers many scholarships for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. These comprises of academic bursaries and co-curricular bursaries. The academic bursaries are awarded on the basis of the candidates’ academic record, while the co-curricular bursaries are awarded on the basis of the candidate’s contribution/involvement to co-curricular activities. 
The Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic (SJPP) provides 4 scholarships to help pupils in their studies including the Jeffrey Barrow Scholarship. Students who demonstrate a financial need, who are actively involved in student activities are given these scholarships.
To know more, contact the Registrar at SJPP. 
The Barbados Community College (BCC) provides scholarship for students with financial needs. The scholarships cover full payment of tuition fees and the books. In order to be eligible for the scholarships, candidates must have a minimum of 6 General Proficiency CXCs at Grades 1, 2 or 3, with at least a Grade 2 in French, Spanish or English A.

Most of the higher education institutions in Barbados also provide scholarships and grants to study abroad. There are many international exchange and study abroad programmes.

To know more about the scholarships offered by the higher education institutions in Barbados, contact the respective institution.
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