Education System in Monaco

The constitution of Monaco made Education compulsory to all. Teaching curriculum is similar to that of France and it is designed to provide an international perspective to students. Education in Monaco is available from Primary to University level. The literacy rate in Monaco is 99%. Education is compulsory for all children between the ages of six and 16. During this stage of education in Monaco, students receive high-quality instruction, as there are small classes, a focus on sports and language and options for individual needs and aptitudes. From secondary school, students can choose to enroll for higher education.

Key Features of Education System in Monaco
  • Education that is open to all and internationally renowned
  • Schooling is obligatory for children from 6 to 16 years of age – children can attend nursery school from the age of three.
  • All the State schools and private schools under contract are approved as French educational establishments abroad. 
  • The timetables, teaching programmes and examinations taken are in conformity with those set out by the French national educational authority. 
  • For examinations, the Principality's educational establishments are under the aegis of the Nice regional education authority.
  • Lessons are taught in French. Some schools have French as a Foreign Language.
  • The school year is divided into 36 weeks from September to July.
There are various types of schools in Monaco. The high quality teaching stands out for many reasons, for example;
  • Small classes
  • Focus Sports education
  • Language teaching from an early age: children learn English from the age of three
  • Range of options are available to students so as to suit individual needs and aptitudes.
  • Religious instruction, which is included in the number of subjects taught, subject to parental approval
    The history of Monaco
    The Monegasque language, which is taught in primary and secondary schools.
Higher Education in Monaco

The Higher education in Monaco is offered by following institutions:
  •  L'Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers (IFSI - Nursing Training Institute).
  • L'International University of Monaco (IUM), The curriculums lead to the award of Bachelor's Degrees, Master's Degrees and PhDs in the fields of management and finance, luxury products and services.
  • Ministerial Decree no. 2018-300 of 4 April 2018 on the recognition of diplomas awarded by the "International University of Monaco", in short, the "IUM".
  • L'Ecole Superieure d'Arts Plastiques (ESAP - Monaco Art School) falls under the responsibility of the Mairie de Monaco (Monaco Municipality), which issues higher education diplomas in art (the DNA and DNSEP).
For latest updates visit official website Department of Education, Youth and Sport
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