Education System of Guyana

 The Co-operative Republic of Guyana, also referred to as Guyana is located on the north eastern coast of South America. It is one of the few Caribbean countries that is not an island. Brazil, Suriname and Venezuela and Atlantic Ocean form the border of the country. Guyana has a tropical climate with hot and humid temperatures. May to August and November to January are the rainy seasons in Guyana.

Nursery or kindergarten  education in Guyana is not compulsory, however, most children attend them. There are both Government run and privately administered Nursery schools. Primary education in Guyana is compulsory; its duration is six years i.e. Grade 1 to 6. 

There are three categories of primary schools in Guyana: 
  • Primary school which provides a typical primary education - from Grades 1 to 6
  • Primary school which has a primary and a secondary department
  • Primary school which has a nursery and secondary department.
The syllabus of primary schools in Guyana is designed to impart basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Secondary school system in Guyana is tiered. There are Senior Secondary Schools, Junior Secondary Schools, Community High Schools and Secondary Departments of Primary Schools. Students who perform well in their Primary School Assessments are placed at top schools in Guyana, for example; Bishops' High School, St. Stanislaus College, St. Joseph High School, St. Rose's High School, President's College and Queen's College etc.

Also, Guyana has many universities and institutes of higher education and technical training schools.
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