Education System in Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands is a country in Melanesia. Lying to the east of Papua New Guinea the island consists of about one thousand islands. The islands now known as Solomon Islands were inhabited by Melanesian in the past, who were Malay speaking but their actual origin has not been identified yet.

The Solomon Islands experiences an ocean equatorial climate which is extremely humid throughout the year. From June to August, the islands have cool weather and the months from November to April have rainfall with squalls or cyclones.

Though education is not compulsory in Solomon Islands, 97% of children attend primary school, however, only 17% of children attend secondary school. In 1993 there were 65,493 children attending primary school, the number of children attending secondary school was 7,811.

Education in the Solomon Islands consists of six years of primary education and seven years of secondary education. According to Commonwealth Network, "the gross enrolment ratio for all levels of education combined was 54.0% in 2008 with a primary female-mate ratio of 0.97:1 and secondary female-male ratio of 0.84:1 (2007)". The school year in Solomon Islands starts in January.

In 1971, the University of South Pacific opened its branch in the capital Honiara. Programs for teacher training, and trade and vocational education are provided at the College of Higher Education. Other rural training centers are governed by churches, these centers are also involved in vocational training. In 1995, the adult literacy rate in Solomon Islands was 64 percent.
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