Grading, Academic Year and Language of Instruction in Slovenia

Grading System

School Education Grading System

The primary and secondary schools in Slovenia use a 5-point grading scale. 

 Percentage Scale GradeGrade Description (In English)  Grade Description (In Slovene)US Grade 
 90.00-100.00 5 Excellent Odlično A
 77.00-89.00 4 Very Good Prav dobro  A
63.00-76.00 3 Good Dobro B
 50.00-62.00 2 Sufficient-Lowest passing grade Zadostno C
 0.00-49.00 1 Insufficient-Lowest possible grade Nezadostno F

University Grading System

The higher education institutions in Slovenia use a 10-point grading scale. All the academic courses are measured in credit points as per the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

Grade 10 is the best grade and indicates “excellent (Odlično)” performance. An equivalent US grade is A. 
Grade 8.00- 9.90 indicates “very good (Prav Dobro)” and US grade A is given
Grade 7.00-7.90 signifies “good (Dobro)” and US grade B is given
Grade 6.00-6.90 indicates a status of “pass (Zadostno)” and US grade C is given
Grade 1.00-5.90 indicates “fail (Nezadostno)” and US grade F is given

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

  • Grade A in the Slovenian higher education institutions is equivalent to US grade A and refers to "Excellent".
  • Grade B in the Slovenia higher education institutions is equivalent to US grade B+ and signifies "Very good". 
  • Grade C in the Slovenian higher education institutions is equivalent to US grade B and signifies "Good".
  • Grade D in the Slovenian higher education institutions is equivalent to US grade C+ and signifies "Satisfactory".
  • Grade E in the Slovenia higher education institutions is equivalent to US grade C and signifies "Sufficient".
  • Grade FX in the Slovenian higher education institutions is equivalent to US grade F and indicates a "Failed" status.
  • Grade F in the Slovenia higher education institutions is equivalent to US grade F and signified a "Fail”

Academic Year

School Academic Year

In Slovenia, the school year for elementary and grammar schools commences on 1 September and ends on 31 August. The examinations are over by 25 June. 
Summer holidays are of 2 months- July and August. There are also 4 one-week holidays during the school academic year. These are during: 
  • All Saints Day
  • Between Christmas and New Year
  • February end
  • The May Day

Higher Education Institutions Academic Year

The academic year of the universities and colleges in Slovenia differs. 

The academic year of universities in Slovenia commences in October and goes on until the end of September in the following year. It is split up into 2 semesters: 
  • Winter semester: This semester starts on 1st October and ends on 15th January. After this semester, a 1-month break is given to the students. 
  • Summer semester: This semester commences on 15 February and ends on 31st May, followed by examinations that are over by 30th June.
Winter holidays: Starts in mid- January and ends in mid- February.
Period of winter examination: Begins in mid-January and ends in start of February 
Summer break: Starts in start of July and goes in until end of August
Period of summer examination: Runs from start of June to end of June
Period of autumn examination: Begins in August end and concludes in mid-September

Language of Instruction

The language of instruction in Slovenia is Slovenian/Slovene. Most of the higher education institutions provide classes in English as well. 

In the Hungarian ethnic minority region of Slovenia, bilingual instruction in Hungarian and Slovene is mandatory. In the Italian ethnic group region, basic education is imparted either in Italian or in Slovenian.
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