How to deal with teen drug abuse

You just discovered a small white packet in your teenage son's room, your heart skips a beat and  your mind doesn't want to think the unthinkable. You don't know what to say and how to deal with the situation. You confront your son and he gets mad at you, and yes your worst fear has come true that your son is taking drugs. Such issues are fast becoming common, yet dealing with them is equally difficult but not impossible. If your teenage child has drawn towards alcohol and other such substances there is something seriously wrong. And you are the person to correct him. Whether you will need to take your child to a correction or not depends on how much he is dependent on drugs. If your child has just introduced to the world of harmful substances perhaps you can help him or a professional counselor. But if its gone to late already then perhaps you will need to take him to a correction home.
Caution: Shouting and crying is not going to help. As much you will shout and cry as much your child's bonds will get stronger with drugs. Dealing with drug abuse is a reversal process. You need to take measured steps to get back your child in the right spot where life is drug free and beautiful. If you feel you can not be of help see a professional counselor.

Dealing with the problem
  • Maintain calm. Don't overreact
  • Talk to them. Be polite while talking to them, make them feel that you are concerned and not angry at all.
  • Keep an eye on their activities.
  • Visit a doctor or admit him/her to rehabilitation center, if you think that situation is out of hand.
As a parent you are are confused that why your child started using drugs. You start blaming yourself and feel that as a parent you have failed . But that's not true, there are various reasons when a child drawn towards drugs. Correction is key and not blaming to yourself, spouse or child.

Common reasons of teenage drug abuse
  • Peer pressure
  • Family issues
  • Desire to rebel
  • Escapism
  • Curiosity
  • Low self-esteem
Above is the case when your child is already doing drugs, but avoiding such situation is the best thing.

  • To keep a check on your children's day -to-day activities.
  • Be a part of their life, listen to them , talk to them.
  • Tell  them about the consequences of taking up such a habit.
  • Lastly, set deadline and stick to them.

Being a part of your child life, provide them with the emotional support they want during their teenage year. And remember parents have more influence over their child than anything or anyone else!!!

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