Education System in Marshall Islands

The Republic of Marshall Island (RMI) is a set of 29 coral atolls and 5 low islands in the central pacific mid way between Hawaii and Australia. The atolls and islands are positioned in two roughly parallel chain-like formations known as the Ratak (Sunrise) group and Ralik (Sunset) group. The total number of islands and islets in the whole Republic is approximately 1,225. The climate of Marshall Islands is hot and humid and experiences a wet season from May to November.

The Ministry of Education is responsible for providing education at level, viz; elementary, secondary, and higher education.

Elementary Education is compulsory and provided through public schools. Children between the age group of 6 to 14 years attend elementary classes. Moreover, elementary education is meant for grades 1 to 8. At the end of eighth school year, students write an entrance examination for admission into public high schools. The duration of high school education i.e. secondary education is 4 years. Instruction is provided in general studies, college preparatory courses and vocational training.
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