Education System in Luxembourg

Luxembourg offers equal opportunities of learning to every child including the children who arrived from other countries. Education is a fundamental right of every child. Generally, children born in Luxembourg get automatically registered in schools. Also, parents can choose to enrol children in International schools or homeschooling. Once children complete basic education there are a sufficient number of training schools, colleges and institutes of higher education including institutes for technical, vocational and professional studies. Luxembourg also offers excellent opportunities to foreign nationals who want to study and work here. In addition, non-university level education is also offered by various training academies.

Compulsory Education in Luxembourg

In Luxembourg access to compulsory education is provided to every child. The duration of the compulsory education is of 11 years, which includes 2 years in preschool, 6 years in primary school and then 3 years in post-primary school.
  1. Pre-school education (2 years): Also known as ‘Spillschoul’ or kindergarten is compulsory for all children who are 4 years old on September 1st.

  2. Primary education (6 years): This is for all children who are 6 years on September 1st and it continues upto the children turns 12 years. It is a must for all children to attend school for 9 consecutive year right from the primary education. Cycle 1 covers early schooling which is optional and the pre-school.
    Cycles 2, 3 and 4 corresponds to the primary schooling which lasts for two years each. Post-primary or secondary education (7 years) is for students aged between 12 to 17 or 18 years. The education offered in Post-primary or secondary education is either technical or general.

Broadly speaking, the Education system in Luxembourg can be divided into three stages fundamental, secondary and higher education.  Most of the schools in Luxembourg are run by the state and are free of cost. Attending school is obligatory from the ages of 4 to 15. And Luxembourg follows multi-lingual language of instruction.

Fundamental Education
  • 1st cycle: children aged 3–5
  • 2nd cycle: ages 6–7
  • 3rd cycle: ages 8–9
  • 4th cycle: ages 10–11
Secondary Education

Secondary education lasts 6–7 years, and consists of:
  • Classical system
  • Technical system: This system can be further divided into
    - Technical regime
    - Technician training regime
    - Professional regime, resulting in a Certificate of Technical and Professional Aptitude (CATP)
    - Preparatory regime, for those candidates who have not yet fulfilled the requirements of fundamental education
Higher Education

The Higher education is offered by two types of institutions – 
  • University Level Higher Education: The education is offered in two formats: General and Vocational
  • Non-University Higher Education: This stage of education is directed to those who are unable to attend Higher Education as a full time course. Also, various professional development programmes are offered to candidates who want to scale up in their career.

Education for International Students

Students who arrive with parents, refugee kids and candidates who wish to visit Luxembourg for study and jobs are welcome here. Luxembourg is popular among International students to pursue degree and diploma programmes at different stages viz; bachelors, masters, research, diploma/graduate diploma, business programmes and language courses.

For latest updates about education in Luxembourg see official website:
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