Higher Education Institutions and Qualifications

Public Higher Education Institution

University of Liechtenstein

The University of Liechtenstein provides study programmes in architecture and business. This is the biggest higher education institution in Liehctenstein. It originated from the ”Abendtechnikum Vaduz" engineering school that was established in 1961, and is a public-private collaboration. Research in the fields of Business Process Management, Sustainable Planning and Construction, Entrepreneurship, and Wealth Management are focused on. The University of Liechtenstein offers bachelor, master and doctorate degrees. 

Private Higher Education Institutions

Following are the private higher education institutions in Liechtenstein:

Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein

The Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein (UFL) was established in autumn 2000 as a private foundation under Liechtenstein law and is based in Triesen. It is officially recognised by the state as a higher education institution and is based in Triesen. The UFL awards doctorate degrees in two fields- law and medicine. For executives, the UFL also provides postgraduate and part-time study courses.

International Academy of Philosophy

The International Academy of Philosophy (IAP) is a private higher education institution officially recognised by the State, in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The IAP was established in 1986 in Liechtenstein and offers a doctoral degree programme- PhD in philosophy.

Liechtenstein Institute

The Liechtenstein Institute is a research institute established in 1986. The Liechtenstein Institute conducts research related to Liechtenstein in the fields of history, law, economics, politics, business, and social affairs. The institute additionally offers adult education in the form of regular lectures.

Higher Education Qualifications

Following are the higher education qualifications in Liechtenstein:

Bachelor Degree

The bachelor degree is the first professional qualification in Liechtenstein. The University of Liechtenstein offers bachelor degree in architecture and business administration. Students who graduate from a bachelor degree course in architecture are entitled to go for a job in architecture firms, real estate and construction industry. 

The duration of the bachelor degree programme is at least 6 semesters and at most 12 semesters, leading to the following degrees:  Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration, and Bachelor of Science.

Master Degree

The University of Liechtenstein offers Master’s degree. The duration is at least 4 semesters and at most 6 semesters, thus leading to the following degrees: Master of Science (Banking & Financial Management, Business Information System), Master of Business Administration (Entrepreneurship), and Master of Arts. The Master degree provides an in-depth knowledge and specialisation in a particular subject.

Doctorate degrees in Liechtenstein

The University of Liechtenstein offers doctoral studies. In Lichtenstein, the doctoral degree programmes in architecture and business economics are offered. The duration of the doctor degree programme at University of Liechtenstein is 3 to 5 years. 

The International Academy of Philosophy (IAP) also awards a doctoral degree- Dr.phil/PhD.  The doctoral degree required the candidate to complete a coursework that held certain ECTS points, and a thesis. Upon successful completion of the doctoral degree programme, students are awarded the title of Doktor der Philosophie (Dr. Phil.) at the International Academy of Philosophy (IAP) and Dr. Scient. Med. at the University of Human Sciences. The Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein (UFL) also offers doctoral degrees in the field of medicine and law.

The duration of the doctoral programme at the UFL is at least 6 semesters and corresponds to a workload of 180 ECTS credits. The programme includes preparation of a dissertation and course study.
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