PTE Young Learners For 6 to 13 Year Students

The PTE Young Learners is assessment test for young learners of age 6 to 13 years. The test does not focus on knowledge and vocabulary. Indeed young students are tested for skills like sentence structuring and communication in real life scenario.  The test suit to students from pre-A1 to A2 level on the Common European Framework of Reference, at four different levels of English language proficiency i.e. listening, reading, speaking and writing.

The PTE Young Learners has two parts; a written test which assesses listening, reading and writing, and a spoken test.

PTE Young Learners Test Levels

Firstwords (Level 1): This test is for test takers who can read the English alphabet and recognize simple words and phrases in both written and spoken English
  • Exam time: 80 minutes
  • Written test: 60 minutes
  • Task 1: Skill - listening
  • Task 2: Skill - listening
  • Task 3: Skill - reading
  • Task 4: Skill - reading
  • Task 5: Skill - reading
  • Task 6: Skill - reading and writing
  • Spoken test: 20 minutes
  • The spoken test at this level lasts for 20 minutes and there are two tasks.
  • Task 7: Skill - speaking
  • Task 8: Skill - speaking
Springboard (Level 2): This test is for test takers who can talk about their feelings, habits, likes and dislikes.
Exam time: 80 minutes
  • Written test: 60 minutes
  • Task 1: Skill - listening
  • Task 2: Skill - listening
  • Task 3: Skill - reading and writing
  • Task 4: Skill - reading
  • Task 5: Skill - reading and writing
  • Task 6: Skill - reading and writing
  • Spoken test: 20 minutes
  • The spoken test at this level lasts for 20 minutes and there are two tasks.
  • Task 7: Skill - speaking
  • Task 8: Skill - speaking
Quickmarch (Level 3): This test is for test takers who can read texts with understanding, and understand the gist and key information in familiar listening contexts.
Exam Time: 80 minutes
  • Written test: 60 minutes
  • Task 1: Skill - listening
  • Task 2: Skill - listening and writing
  • Task 3: Skill - reading and writing
  • Task 4: Skill - reading
  • Task 5: Skill - reading and writing
  • Task 6: Skill - writing
  • Spoken test: 20 minutes
  • The spoken test at this level lasts for 20 minutes and there are two tasks.
  • Task 7: Skill - speaking
  • Task 8: Skill - speaking
Breakthrough (Level 4): This test is for test takers who can describe sensations; give instructions and explanations; describe purpose; give opinions and express preferences and deal with hypothetical situations.
Exam time: 1 hour, 35 minutes
  • Written Test: 75 minutes
  • Task 1: Skill - listening
  • Task 2: Skill - listening and writing
  • Task 3: Skill - reading and writing
  • Task 4: Skill - reading
  • Task 5: Skill - reading and writing
  • Task 6: Skill - writing
  • Spoken Test 20 minutes
  • The spoken test at this level lasts for 20 minutes and there are two tasks.
  • Task 7: Skill - speaking
  • Task 8: Skill – speaking

PTE Young Learners Support

For any help regarding PTE General you can write email to [email protected] or visit official website
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