Education in Fiji

Fiji is an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean, which consists of about 322 islands and 522 islets. The official name of Fiji is Republic of the Fiji Island. Approximately 87% of Fijian people mainly live in the two major islands  - Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. It was once a British colony for centuries before becoming an independent nation in 1970.

In terms of the Education System in Fiji, the primary education is not compulsory but it is provided free of cost for eight years. Several schools from pre-school to secondary are administered by government and private organizations. Courses in the secondary schools include carpentry, metalwork, woodwork, home economics and agricultural science.

The structure of the Fijian educational system is divided into primary school, secondary school, and higher education. The language of instruction is English.

The primary school education comprises 8 years of schooling. Children from the ages of 6 to 14 years attend primary schools. On successful completion of primary school, a certificate is awarded.

Entry into the secondary school system is determined by a competitive examination. The duration of secondary schooling is 5 years. On successful completion of secondary school students get access to higher education.
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