FAQs for parents with 8 to 11 year old children

Pre-teens have their own set of problems. As parents addressing those problems and plugging them right at that point will help them grow as better individuals. Here are some frequently asked questions of parents of 8 to 11 year olds.

We have just changed cities and have an interview lined up for my 8-year-old son at a premiere institution. How should I prepare him for the interview?

You should just let your child relax and not panic about giving an interview. At this age, the child would have to sit through a written and oral test. Most interviewers help the child to settle down and relax before asking a few general questions related to sports, academics, etc. during the process. So let them get good night's sleep and help them not to be nervous by being there for them.

My 10 -year-old daughter is not interested in sports activities at all, though she is a very good student?

Try to find out if she has a knack for a particular sport. It is not necessary that all children enjoy outdoor sports. Think of alternative sports like chess that can be played indoor too. However, since physical activity is essential you can try and see if she has interest in gardening or taking field trips, which can double as a little exercise and outdoor play too. You can also put her in a class that a close friend goes to. She might like having company.

What is Special Education Need or SEN. And how do I know if my child requires special assistance?

As your child goes from kindergarten to higher classes, you will notice a drastic change in their motor skills, academic performance, etc. If you or the class teacher feels that your child could have some kind of learning disability or issue like dyslexia, you can always work out options you have. In most cases, with a little practice and help from experts, your child will overcome the issue in no time.

My daughter is now in standard 3 but she has very bad handwriting. Her class teacher suggests that I give her a little practice at home. Is there anything else that I should do?

Bad handwriting is not something that you need to ponder too much or worry over. If you have to, then give her a small practice session at home everyday. Also, ensure that she is holding her pencil correctly. It could be that she’s trying to write too fast so gently cajole here into improving the writing and then focus on speed. Many workbooks are available too that help in boosting writing quality.

When it comes to patience, my child seems to lack it completely. Be it at school or home she’s always trying to rush into things, which results in too many errors on her work. What can I do here?

If your daughter is speeding into things it is a positive attribute. But there is a thin line between being impatient and speeding up. So show her that sometimes that when you speed up, you are unable to check your work properly or it could lead to careless mistakes. This would mean lower grades. Encourage her to take up activities like painting or coloring or even board games that helps in building up patience.

These days it seems that my 10 year old is getting too much of homework. As a result, I feel that she is not getting enough time to play outside.

As a parent, you should take the initiative to draw the line between work and play hours. The best way to go about it would be to let her know that she can actually do both. So urge her to play when she gets back from school for a while and then sit with her homework. May be she could be taking a longer time doing homework if she has difficulty in understanding or coping up. You could guide or teach her in the process to help her out.

Since my son entered his new school, his problem of bedwetting seems to have started all over again. Is it because of someone bullying him or too much pressure at school?

Sometimes, new changes are not easy to cope up with. It could be that your son is also missing his old school and friends. You can sit down and talk with him about it and how he can make new friends here. If he's showing signs of panic and not wanting to go to school, you could ask him if he’s being bullied. Have a word with the class teacher if needed.

My 9-year-old daughter loves history and English. But when it comes to math she simply wants to avoid doing the subject at home. She is an average grade in the subject though. Should I urge her to practice more?

Right now, your child is just understanding and distinguishing between favorite and not-so favorite subjects. If she’s getting average grades it means that she understands what is being taught but lacks interest in the subject. Try making it more exciting and interesting for her through digital learning or practical learning tools. And with a bit of practice and piqued interest, she will be able to get there soon.

My elder son is good in academics and gets straight A’s but my younger 11 years old usually gets a B. I am worried that he will not do well academically?

Don’t push your child in the rat race. Not everyone can get straight A’s. B’s are good too as long as he is making an effort and trying to improve his grades. You should praise his effort and encourage him to do well but not pressurize him. And remember that every child is unique and gifted so stop comparing. 

An A or B in a class test never defines the abilities of any child. Grades are not reflection of personality or overall success. And grades can be improved by focusing on weaker areas with right approach.
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