POB: Official Baccalaureate Test
The Official Test Baccalaureate/High School (POB) is a series of oral and written exams that assess the candidates’ academic maturity. Candidates are required to pass this exam in order to get the degree of bachelor. POB examinations are conducted at schools and managed by the Ministry of Education and Youth.
POB Exam Structure
The POB exam is split up into 3 blocks. Block 1 comprises of language exams. Block 2 and 3 consists of subject specific examination of each high school type.
Baccalaureate Art and Communication
Block 1: This block comprises language exams. Both written and oral exams are held.
- Catalan
- French
- Spanish
- English
The candidates are given an option to decide whether to pass the exam in Spanish, English and French in writing or orally. Candidates are required to select at least 1 written and 1 oral exam.
Block 2 consists of examinations in graphic arts, audiovisual and communication. Graphic arts is in French and Audiovisual and communication is in Catalan language.
Block 3 consists of philosophy that is held in Catalan, and history of art is in Spanish. Candidate is required to choose one. At this block, both the exams are written.
Bachelor and Technology
Block 1: This block comprises language exams. Both written and oral exams are held.
- Catalan
- French
- Spanish
- English
The candidates are given an option to decide whether to pass the exam in Spanish, English and French in writing or orally. Candidates are required to select at least 1 written and 1 oral exam.
Block 2 consists of examinations in mathematics, chemistry and physics. Both the exams are written. Mathematics is in Spanish, while chemistry and physics is in French.
Block 3 consists of philosophy, biology or technical drawing. Both the exams are in Catalan and are written exams.
Economics and Social Baccalaureate
Block 1: This block comprises language exams. Both written and oral exams are held.
- Catalan
- French
- Spanish
- English
The candidates are given an option to decide whether to pass the exam in Spanish, English and French in writing or orally. Candidates are required to select at least 1 written and 1 oral exam.
Block 2 consists of examinations- applied mathematics to social sciences, and economics. Both the exams are written. Applied mathematics to social science is in Spanish, while economics is in French.
Block 3 consists of philosophy, and history. Both the exams are in Catalan and are written exams.
High School Language and Humanities
Block 1: This block comprises language exams. Both written and oral exams are held.
- Language and literature
- French language and literature
- Spanish language and literature
- English language and literature
The candidates are given an option to decide whether to pass the exam in Spanish, English and French in writing or orally. Candidates are required to select at least 1 written and 1 oral exam.
Block 2 consists of examinations in philosophy and Latin. Both the exams are written. Latin is in Spanish, while philosophy is in Catalan.
Block 3 consists of literature and history. Both the exams are written exams. Literature is in French, and history is in Catalan. Candidates are required to choose one.
Candidates register for the test at the Ministry of Education and youth, Andorra. Candidates are required to choose the 2 tests, written or oral.
A 0-10 point scale is used to express the result. If the candidate is absent from the examination, grade 0 is given.
Candidates who score 5.00 out of 10 points are declared fit and receive a bachelor’s degree.
To know more about the high school exam, visit http://educacio.ad/examens-oficials/prova-oficial-de-batxillerat-pob